

Question: I forgot my password and I am trying to follow the steps to Reset it. I am still not receiving one. 

If you do not recieve an email with instructions to reset your password, you may have entered in your email address wrong. 

Please contact the support desk to help troubleshoot your issue.

Question: I may have created two accounts and none of my Learning History is showing, what should I do?

 If you have created two accounts that are the same, submit a ticket to the support desk to have your accounts merged. Your Learning History in both accounts will be amalgamated into one. You will need to verify details of your account before a merge can be completed.


Question: I took an e-Learning course and one of the modules/quizzes is not checking off as complete.

 Check which web browser you are using. It is recommended that you use Google Chrome when completing online courses as other web browsers can cause issues.

Also, ensure that you have allow the content to fully load and that you have viewed all of the content and interactions. Scrolling through content quickly can cause the module to not recognize you have viewed it.


Question: A popup that refrences my internet connection keeps showing while I complete an e-Learning course.

 If you recieve a popup, you may need to check your internet connection and ensure nothing is interefering with it.


Question: I have completed an e-Learning Course and recieved checkmarks for each module but it is still showing in my upcoming courses, what do i do?

 Ensure that you have waited 25 minutes for the course to move into your Learning History. If after 25 minutes the course is still showing in your upcoming courses, contact the support desk for help.


Question: I am taking an e-Learning course but I only see a blank page. What should i do?

 Blank pages usually indicates that your web browser's flash player has been disabled. You will need to renable it for the content to show properly. To re-enable your flash player, Follow the steps below:

Enable Flash


Question: I went to and completed a classroom session but it still says pending in my Learning History. 

 Contact the course manager and confirm that your attendance/grades have been updated.


Question: I had a course in my upcoming courses section but it disapperead. Where did it go?

 ​If a course that you have not completed has disappered from your upcoming courses, your access period may have expired. Contact the support desk for help or re-register into the course. 


Question: I am trying to register for a course but it won't let me. What should I do?

 Courses are only accessible to learners if they have the correct account type and organization listed. If you do not for a specific course, you may have to change your account type within your Profile. Change Account Type

Question: I would like to create a new course. Where can I start?​

To create a new course, please find the specific type of course you want to create, and follow the instructions for it. The submit a New Course Request form can be found in the Contacts Section


Question: A Learner took an e-Learning course and one of the modules/quizzes is not checking off as complete.

 Check which web browser the user isusing. It is recommended that you use Google Chrome when completing online courses as other web browsers can cause issues.

Also, ensure that you have allow the content to fully load and that you have viewed all of the content and interactions. Scrolling through content quickly can cause the module to not recognize you have viewed it.


Question: I need Course Manager access course, how do I get it.

 If you have been approved to be a Course Manager from the Course Owner, the Course Owner will be able to add you as a Course Manager. Please ask the Course Owner for access. If the course is an e-Learning course, additional access will need to be given onto the Learning Management System - Moodle.


Question: I would like to change the Course title of a Course I manage. How do i go about changing it.

 To change a course title, please contact your support desk or submit a ticket to have the title changed.


Question: I entered attendance/grades into one of my classroom sessions and its now disappear, where did it go?

 If you session is no longer is the past tab, it could be in the history tab. Switch tabs and check if the session is there. If you need to modify any of the grades/attendance, move the session back to past. 


Question: I want my courses to be only accessible through a link. Which link should I provide?

 While in the course settings for your course, go to the Learner View button which should take you to a registration page. Use the link provide there to send to learners.

Course Naming Conventions

Naming conventions are phase one of on-going course cleanup in the LearningHub in preparation to transition content into Workday Learning.

The LearningHub administration team will monitor PHSA courses and curricula to ensure a consistent naming convention, which will provide learners a quicker, and more efficient, experience to find education and training.

Keywords in the course name are vital to enhance the search capabilities in LearningHub. Therefore, courses and curricula must follow a standard naming convention. This applies to all system content.

​PHSA courses and curricula will follow this convention:

PHSA - program/service/department - Descriptive Title Name

  • Program/service/department – can be an acronym or shortened title ie BCCH, BCWH, NICU, ED
  • Parentheses and acronyms are not permitted in descriptive title name element with limited exception.
  • Descriptive title names are capitalized

The LearningHub administration team reserves the right to do the following:

  • determine the appropriate program/service/department to categorize a course
  • make any changes to make the course titles easier to find in the catalogue
  • apply keywords to aid searching and browsing the catalogue
  • edit course descriptions and training audiences to make education and training offerings clear to intended learners

Updated Oct 2024
