
As an Instructor, you will only have access to the Classroom sessions that have been assigned to you. Course Managers will be responsible for assigning sessions to Instructors.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click Admin Dashboard
  3. Click Courses on the Administration Bar
  4. Select the Classroom SessionClass Sessions Register.png
  5. Click Register Learners
  6. Type in the name or email of the learner
  7. Press Choose
  1. Select the Classroom SessionClass Sessions Register.png
  2. Select the user and click CancelCancel User Regis.png
  1. Select the Session 
  2. Select the User and Click RescheduleRescheudle.png
  3. Select the session you wish to move the user into
  1. Select the Session 
  2. Select the User and Click Move to waitlist Waitlist.png

The learner now appears on the Waiting List, and can be moved back to the session, if needed.
  1. Click on the Waitlisted tab
  2. Select learner
  3. Click Register to sessionWaitlisted 2.png
  1. Select the Session 
  2. Click Download Forms and select Sign-in Sheet from the dropdown menuSignin.png
  3. Click Print PageSign2.png
As a Course Manager or Instructor of a Classroom session, you must ensure that grades are updated for each session immediately after the session has passed. It is the Course Manager or Instructor's responsibility to update course grades and attendance.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click Admin Dashboard
  3. Click Courses
  4. Select the specific course
  5. In Manage Learners, click Past to be brought to sessions that have already occurredPasts.png
  6. Select the session that you need to update with attendance and grades
  7. Mark each participant with a Status and/or Grade.Update Grades.png
  8. Click Save Grade Results
  9. Click Move to History when complete
Note* For sessions that have passed, they will be moved into the Past tab for grading. Sessions within the History tab should have attendance and grades already updated. 

If you need to grade a learner for a session under the History tab, you will need to move the session to the Past tab by selecting "Move to Past". After updating their grade under the Past tab, please move the session back to the History tab.
historypasttab (1).png