Contact Us

Technical Support Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm, excluding statutory holidays.


Please click through the tabs above before submitting a ticket as most support questions can be easily answered by the helpsite content.

Encounter an error page or unable to access course content?

Please use Google Chrome on a desktop/laptop for course completion.

Error Page when logging in or opening a course:
Please refer to Opening an Incognito Window in Google Chrome.pdf 

Unable to open course module due to pop-ups:
Please refer to Allowing PopUps.pdf if you receive a message stating that "it appears that popup windows are blocked, stopping this SCORM package from playing. Please check your browser settings before trying again."

Common Learner Issues

Please scroll up to visit the My Profile & Take a Course tabs for guides that may be of assistance to you before submitting a ticket.

Setting Up Your LearningHub Account
Manage My Profile (e.g. change login information, verify Employee ID) / Merge Accounts
Upcoming Classroom Course 

Classroom course access:
LearningHub​ Admin do not have any virtual Classroom course links (i.e. Skype/Zoom links). Contact the designated Course Manager and/or refer to the course registration confirmation email for information. 

VIHA Accounts: If you use an Vancouver Island Health email to login, please note that as of September 28th, 2021, we have updated all emails to Please use your email to log into LearningHub​.

Submit a Help Ticket

Learners : Please also refer to our Learner's FAQ S​heet​ before submitting a Learner Support ticket.

For an account merge, please refer to the Merge Accounts page

Course content information or course feedback: If you are a learner​ and want more information on the course content or to provide feedback, please contact the designated Course Managers. Course Contact information can be found at the bottom of the course page. LearningHub Admin do not create or manage the courses. 

Course Managers : Visit the Manage a Course tab for guides​ before submitting a ticket.
Please also refer to our Course Manager's FAQ Sheet before submitting a ticket.

Do not submit multiple tickets for the same inquiry.  Once your t​icket has been responded to by LearningHub Admin via email, you do not need to submit another ticket. 

Learners should be submitting Learner Support tickets only. The Course Management, New Course Request, and Reporting tickets are for courses administration and department purposes. 

We ask for your respect, patience and understanding as we work to answer your inquiry.
​​​Please note that the usage of any rude or disrespectful language towards the admin team is not acceptable.

Please submit a Learner Support Ticket for any general user support inquiries.
Please submit a Course Management Support Ticket only if you are a Course Owner, Course Manager, instructor for a course.
For Health Authority Specific Education Compliance Reports for Managers with direct reports.
For any new courses, please submit a New Course Request ticket. Turnaround times will vary, as each Health Authority may have a different procedure regarding the approval and creation of new courses.
For Provincial Reporting requests that may involve more than one Health Authorities.
